Read these guidelines thoroughly, and have your architect do the same. You should read the LECVHOA Protective Covenants ("Covenants") (available at for further specifications regarding Architectural Control (see especially Items # 18-29). These Guidelines are a supplement to implement the requirements outlined in the Covenants.
It is recommended that you seek the assistance of a licensed surveyor before you continue planning. You should also have a general idea of the Pitkin County Planning, Zoning, and Building code requirements. Some requirements of Little Elk Creek may be more exacting than the similar Pitkin County rules or regulations.
The term "you," when used in these Guidelines, means the homeowner applicant for architectural review. The term "Structure" as used herein is defined in Item #20 of the Covenants. The Architectural Control Authority is herein referred to as the ACA.
The ACA Submission/Approval process can sometimes be time-consuming, and the ACA’s letter of approval must be obtained before application for a building permit is made to Pitkin County. The ACA meets as part of the monthly LECVHOA meetings, the dates of which are listed on the LECVHOA website (although changes may occur due to unusual circumstances). Documents must be submitted at least one week prior to any meeting to be placed on the agenda. The process will very likely require more than one submission to the ACA, and applicants should plan accordingly. The required elements of ACA review include the submissions outlined below.
Occasionally issues will arise that require immediate attention, such as replacement of a water line or septic tank, roof damage, or damage from fire or another disaster. These architectural guidelines are not waived under such circumstances, but the process described below may be varied to address the exigent situation. In case of immediate need, you should contact the HOA Manager, Keith Edquist, using the address information on the LECVHOA website ( You should coordinate with the Manager to ensure that appropriate Pitkin County building permits are obtained before any reconstruction activity is undertaken. You should also obtain appropriate drawings and surveys to protect your property and HOA property (e.g. roads, utility setbacks, ditches) and submit those document to the Manager as soon as they are available. As noted below, the Manager may approve certain actions, such as demolition activities, without ACA Board approval. Further, the ACA Board can act quickly if necessary to approve plans by written consent.
Before any construction, excavation, or any other site disturbance, you must adhere to the "Submission to the ACA" requirements as outlined below, in addition to any requirements of the Pitkin County Building Department. Upon satisfactory review of your final plans and receipt of the applicable Completion Deposit, the ACA will issue a written letter of approval. No material changes to the built project can be made after issuance of the letter of approval without resubmitting the entire plan to the ACA. This includes changes required by Pitkin County or any other governmental authority. If the letter of approval contains any ACA exceptions or conditions, the applicant must acknowledge these exceptions and conditions by signature and return the approval letter to the Association Manager for the records of the ACA.
Generally, the applicant will engage in at least two review meetings and a neighbor review process, as follows:
Installation of energy conservation devices such as solar panels is acceptable. Alternative energy installations are considered exterior construction requiring an approval process and Completion Deposit the same as any exterior construction. The Association’s Policy Regarding Renewable Energy Generation Devises and Energy Efficient Measures (the "REG Policy") is used to define REG Device terms and to guide the approval process in accordance with applicable law as defined in the REG Policy. For renewable or sustainable energy devices that are not defined as REG Devices or EE Measures in the REG Policy, but have an external structural component as defined in section 20 of the Covenants, the terms of these Architectural Guidelines and the Covenants shall control.
In addition to the Submission to the ACA requirements outlined in this document, for any type of REG Device the applicant must provide a brief description of the system prior to securing neighbors’ comments, with the following information and any other information deemed appropriate by the ACA in its first review:
The ACA may allow variances (See Item # 29 of the Covenants). Any variance allowed shall be evidenced in writing/email duly executed by the ACA.
The owner and contractor are responsible for keeping a clean and safe building site. All wastes, building material, debris and equipment must be removed promptly from the construction site after use during construction, and in any case, within thirty days of issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy; failure to remove such materials promptly may cause forfeiture of the Completion Deposit. No signs or advertising device of any nature shall be placed on the property except a small sign 18" x 36" or less showing the owner’s name and address. Industry standard real estate and general contractor signs may be erected one per lot. As much as feasible, lot irrigation and vegetative control (e.g. mowing) shall be maintained during the construction process to minimize dust and maintain a clean appearance for the site. The applicant must have sanitary facilities, e.g. Port-a-Potty, available for the use of contractors during all periods that the applicant’s Pitkin County building permit is effective. The applicant may be required to obtain an alternate construction materials manager if a contractor fails to meet these requirements; failure to meet this requirement may result in LECVHOA engagement of a materials manager and forfeiture of the Completion Deposit.
The posted speed limit in the subdivision is 15 MPH. The applicant is responsible for notifying contractors, their employees and construction delivery drivers and other tradesmen of the speed limit.
Dogs are not to be allowed to run at large, pursuant to the Animal Control Ordinances of Pitkin County.
The hours of construction allowed under the Pitkin County Code are 7am to 7pm Monday through Saturday. To be considerate of your neighbors, the applicant’s construction plan should contain provisions to notify contractors to refrain from using loud equipment, or to use equipment with backup or other alarm or warning sounds, prior to 8 am and after 5:30 pm.
For all project proposals brought to the Architectural Control Authority on or after the Effective Date of these updated Architectural Guidelines, the following Completion Deposit Guidelines are effective:
These Completion Deposit guidelines are subject to adjustment for individual projects. In each case, the ACA has the authority to set the specific Completion Deposit Requirement based upon all of the facts and circumstances.
Further, the ACA retains the authority to require a reduced Completion Deposit to encourage energy efficiency projects such as improved insulation, window replacements, and alternative energy resources.